Course Schedule & Materials

Time and Location: Monday, Wednesday 9:30AM - 10:50PM, Doherty Hall 2302. See Logistics for more details.
Class Videos: Class videos will be available on Panopto.

Date Event Description Materials Announcements
W; January 17 Lecture 1 Introduction to Machine Learning, Regression Readings: Bishop (Chapter 1, Chapter 3: 3.1-3.2), Deep Learning Book (Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Links: Slides, Recording
F; January 19 Recitation 1 -
M; January 22 Lecture 2 Continue Introduction to Machine Learning, Regression Readings: Bishop (Chapter 1, Chapter 3: 3.1-3.2), Deep Learning Book (Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Links: Slides, Recording
W; January 24 Lecture 3 Neural Networks I Readings: Bishop (Chapter 5: 5.1-5.4), Deep Learning Book (Chapter 6)
Links: Slides, Recording
F; January 26 Recitation 2 Probability Distributions Links: Slides, Recording
M; January 29 Lecture 4 Neural Networks II Readings: Bishop (Chapter 5: 5.1-5.4), Deep Learning Book (Chapter 7)
Links: Slides, Recording
Course add deadline
W; January 31 Lecture 5 Convolutional Neural Networks I Readings: Deep Learning Book (Chapter 9)
Links: Slides, Recording
HW1 Released
F; February 2 Recitation 3 Homework 1 Recitation Links: Slides (w/ animation), Recording
M; February 5 Lecture 6 Convolutional Neural Networks II / Start Graphical Models Readings: Deep Learning Book (Chapter 9)
Links: Slides, Recording
W; February 7 Lecture 7 Graphical Models: Directed Graphs Readings: Bishop (Chapter 8)
Links: Slides, Recording
F; February 9 Recitation 4 Pytorch and AWS Links: Slides, Recording
M; February 12 Lecture 8 Graphical Models, Undirected Graphs / RBMs Readings: Bishop (Chapter 8)
Links: Slides, Recording
W; February 14 Lecture 9 Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) Readings: Deep Learning Book (Chapter 20.3)
Links: Slides, Recording
HW2 Released, HW1 Due
F; February 16 Recitation 5 Homework 2 Recitation Links: Recording
M; February 19 Lecture 10 Deep Belief Networks Links: Slides, Recording
W; February 21 Lecture 11 Autoencoders Links: Slides, Recording
F; February 23 Recitation 6 -
M; February 26 Lecture 12 Language Modelling Links: Slides, Recording Course drop deadline
W; February 28 Lecture 13 Graph Neural Networks: Guest Lecture from Minji Yoon Links: Slides, Recording HW2 Due
F; March 1 Midterm Review
M; March 4 NO CLASS (Spring Break)
W; March 6 NO CLASS (Spring Break)
F; March 8 NO CLASS (Spring Break)
M; March 11 Lecture 14 Sequence Models (Part 1) and Mid-term Review Links: Slides, Recording
W; March 13 Lecture 15 Sequence Models (Part 2), Transformers Links: Slides A, Slides B, Recording
F; March 15 Recitation 7 Recitation time used for mid-term exam Mid-term exam
M; March 18 Lecture 16 Variational Inference Links: Slides, Recording HW3 Part 1 Released, Midway Project Proposal Due
W; March 20 Lecture 17 Variational Autoencoders Links: Slides, Recording
F; March 22 Recitation 8 Homework 3 Part 1 Recitation Links: Recording
M; March 25 Lecture 18 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Links: Slides, Recording
W; March 27 Lecture 19 Generative Adversarial Networks / Normalizing Flows Links: Slides, Recording
F; March 29 Recitation 9 -
M; April 1 Lecture 20 Multimodal Language Models Links: Slides, Recording HW3 Part 1 Due
W; April 3 Lecture 21 Diffusion Models Links: Slides, Recording
F; April 5 Recitation 10 Homework 3 Part 2 Recitation Links: Slides, Recording
M; April 8 Lecture 22 Embodied AI: Language and Perception Links: Slides, Recording
W; April 10 Lecture 23 NO CLASS (Carnival April 13th-15th)
F; April 12 No Recitation (Carnival April 13th-15th)
M; April 15 Lecture 24 Integrating Domain-Knowledge into Deep Learning Links: Slides, Recording
W; April 17 Lecture 25 Generative Models for Data Augmentation Links: Slides, Recording HW3 Part 2 Due
F; April 19 Recitation 11 TBD Links: Slides, Recording
M; April 22 Lecture 26 Capsules Links: Slides, Recording
W; April 24 Lecture 27 CANCELED: Time to work on projects
F; April 26 Recitation 12 TBA Links: Slides, Recording
W; May 8 Final Grades due today 4:00pm

* all announcement dates are tentative and subject to change


Books Additional references